Friday 15 March 2013

11 Ways to be happy! (:

Hey guys, 

So I was just looking on the internet and I came across a picture that said 10 ways to be happy! So i thought I would share it with you guys and hopefully you'll try some of the things because I know I am going to (:

1. Accept the thing you can't change. If you can and want to change them, do it.

2.  Let go of the people who are holding you down. If you considered them, you already know who these people are. 

3. Blast your favourite upbeat song and sing it at the top of your lungs, dancing as you go.

4. Go for a run. A nice, long run. Run until you feel good; at the very least you'll be tired enough that the feelings will seem less major.

5. Call someone you love. Just hearing their voice can make your day better.

6. Smile at a stranger. It will make both of you smile.

7. Send an anonymous compliment.

8. Write down everything you don't like about yourself. Rip it up. Burn it.

9. Watch your favourite movie.

10. Realise that you are your own biggest critic. People do not see the faults in yourself that you do. So realise that they are not faults, not imperfections. They make you, YOU!!

And one that I would like to add....

11. JUST SMILE (: Smiling can boost your mood and even your immune system!  

I hope that makes YOU happy, if not try one it will no doubt make your day better. I know I will try at least one as see if that makes me happy if not I hope it'll make someone else happy too. 

Quote of the day:  Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don't wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it's at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savoured.  - Earl Nightingale

Much Love, 

-      Talia Marie ♔ xx

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