Saturday 23 March 2013

Top 5 things to do in the snow

Bored? In doors because of the snow? read this!
As its snowing in London, I thought I'd do a post about snow! Knowing the snow in London won't stay for long, best be quick to make the most of it and it could be snowing in an area near you. (:

Here's 5 awesome things to do in the snow! ;D

1. Sledding - whether you're young or old, this is an awesome tradition. It's fun and you won't get bored quickly. Just find a hill and some friends and let the fun begin!!

2. Have a Snow Ball Fight - Grab some friends, go outside and start the war, with a group of friends. BUT remember be safe don't pack the balls too tight... NO ICE!

3. Make snow angels - REMEMBER wrap up warm because you'll be on the floor and it could get cold! (: You could do this by yourself, no need for friends!

4. Build a snow man - This is one of the easiest things to do in the snow! And it's fun too, BUT remember to wrap your hands are warm because touching the snow with your hands will make them freeze! (:

5. Take pictures - If you don't want to get too messy with the snow, you could just take really awesome pictures. You don't have to have a really cool camera but it's good to past time. And you can share the pictures on the web too see what your friends think!

I hope you like those top 5 ideas and I hope you'll try them out too because it can be a lot of fun playing in the snow! BUT REMEMBER to wrap up warm because you do not want to fall ill due to not wrapping up!!

Quote of the day: The first fall of snow is not only an event, it is a magical event. You go to bed in one kind of a world and wake up in another quite different, and if this is not enchantment then where is it to be found? - J. B. Priestley

- Talia Marie ♔ xx

Friday 15 March 2013

11 Ways to be happy! (:

Hey guys, 

So I was just looking on the internet and I came across a picture that said 10 ways to be happy! So i thought I would share it with you guys and hopefully you'll try some of the things because I know I am going to (:

1. Accept the thing you can't change. If you can and want to change them, do it.

2.  Let go of the people who are holding you down. If you considered them, you already know who these people are. 

3. Blast your favourite upbeat song and sing it at the top of your lungs, dancing as you go.

4. Go for a run. A nice, long run. Run until you feel good; at the very least you'll be tired enough that the feelings will seem less major.

5. Call someone you love. Just hearing their voice can make your day better.

6. Smile at a stranger. It will make both of you smile.

7. Send an anonymous compliment.

8. Write down everything you don't like about yourself. Rip it up. Burn it.

9. Watch your favourite movie.

10. Realise that you are your own biggest critic. People do not see the faults in yourself that you do. So realise that they are not faults, not imperfections. They make you, YOU!!

And one that I would like to add....

11. JUST SMILE (: Smiling can boost your mood and even your immune system!  

I hope that makes YOU happy, if not try one it will no doubt make your day better. I know I will try at least one as see if that makes me happy if not I hope it'll make someone else happy too. 

Quote of the day:  Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don't wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it's at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savoured.  - Earl Nightingale

Much Love, 

-      Talia Marie ♔ xx

Sunday 10 March 2013

Cody Simpson's concert - London

On Friday 1st March, Australian teen sensation Cody Simpson performed at London's Indigo O2. This was his own concert promoting his recently released album Paradise. About 3000 fans turned up to watch Cody put on a brilliant show. And from the crowd’s reaction during every song, he put on an astounding performance. Cody previously had to delay his concert until now, meaning his angels had to wait longer to actually see him, but I’d say it was definitely worth the wait. He sang songs not just from his Paradise album but from his coast to coast album too, sending the crowd wild. Even when Cody sang the last song of the night the crowd went wild and didn’t want it to end. Even after Cody had left the stage you knew that the crowd was still hyped and wanted MORE! Soon after the performance Cody tweeted “the crew was hype, the crowd was hype, I was hype. #LONDON #ParadiseTour” Showing us that he was hyped too. Cody can truly put on a great performance; he is able to relate to his Angels and make them feel special.
I know that London wants to see Cody again and we hope this happens very soon
-      Talia Marie ♔ xx